Monday, September 9, 2019

Random rambling and rants:

If your beer needs a lime, you need to get a different beer.

People that want gun laws or any other kind of laws for that matter, should remember Prohibition. Laws don't work. They never have, never will. The mass shooters are already breaking many laws, how will more solve anything? Idiot's that think "gun free" zones are valid are just too stupid all that does is create a target rich site of sheep that cannot defend themselves, and it's the kind of place mass shooters always attack. You never hear of a mass shooting at a gun show.

Seat belts don't always save lives, neither do airbags. It's a lot of bunk. If you're belted in and get hid in the door, what happens to you, you're strapped in you take the brunt of the force. Not strapped in, you get knocked to the other side, with probably only some minor scrapes and bruises. This one I know for a fact. I have seen people get decapitated by the shoulder belt. So, in all cases, they don't help, and in some cases make it worse. Why are they in place? The insurance lobby paid off politicians at the federal level, then they in turn withheld state's highway money until they fell in line with  both seat belt and insurance laws. It should not be legal for any government entity to force you to buy anything from a for profit outside company.

more rants later. 

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